Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tuesday, August 11 First Day of 4-H Day Camp!

First off, today had to be the most interesting day by far. We cannot explain fully everything that happened. If you are interested though in learning more I’m sure anyone of us would be glad to tell you about the first day of 4-H Day Camp. 

We started out by doing the usual waking up, eating breakfast, and meeting in the lobby for the bus. As we were told before coming to the Dominican Republic, the buses ran on “Dominican Time”, which was true today. We then loaded the bus and arrived at the Ecological Foundation. Entering the Foundation we found campers who had already beat us there and were already playing games and getting to know each other. 

After all of the campers and Dominican counselors arrived we then separated into four groups (Rojo, Verde, Azul, Amarillo). As groups we decorated individual drinking cups so the campers could reuse them instead of wasting plastic cups. We played name games to get to know each other better. Then two groups went on tours to look at the bee keeping facility and also where they are practicing worm composting.  The other two groups stayed at the Foundation to tie-dye t-shirts. 

When we were back together the counselors chose Dominican partners for the Incredible Journey Water Cycle activity. The kids made necklaces out of beads during this time and learned more about how water drops move through the water cycle and the importance of water. The foundation then provided lunch, giving more time to meet one another and mingle. 

The afternoon was craft based. We made butterflies out of clothes pins and coffee filters. Each camper received a 4-H Frisbee and decorated it however they pleased. We also used honey from the bees we visited to make a healthy snack for the campers to munch on - peanut butter and honey oat balls. For the crafts they each have their own spot to leave their crafts and to keep them together.

 Throughout the day we did have free time where we were able to play games inside like Jenga, Uno, Twister, and jump rope. Outside they played basketball, volleyball, and tag. 

After the campers left we decided to go back to the Indigenous Eyes (fresh water lagoons) to cool down and swim. We had competitions, who could make the biggest splash (Andrew), who could make the smallest splash (Carter), and who could jump the farthest (Jorge). Leaving the eyes it began to sprinkle. Getting out into the open it started to down pour. We walked/ran in this “tropical rain storm” for about 20 min. This is when the day got interesting.  This is also when you can ask your child what happened that day. 

Returning to the Foundation we had dinner, very American, HAMBURGERS. Tiffany today decided to stay back with Carol. So big shout out to Tiffany for getting all of the supplies and crafts ready for the next day of camp (we heard she also got a very good nap in). We waited for the bus which was running on “Dominican Time” once again. Back at the hotel we each had about five tie-dye shirts from our groups that we had to wash out for our campers. Thank you to Sarah for doing mine as I type on the computer. TEAM EFFORT. Today was exhausting, exciting, and definitely a once in a life time experience. We are ready for 4-H Day Camp again tomorrow. Bring it on.

Rachel Harriman and Sarah Peer, Shenandoah County

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